Relationships 101: Sleeping Positions Explained
We all like to feel secure in our relationships. And it doesn’t really take much — a compliment here a smile, a wink, an appreciative look there, maybe some flowers or chocolates once in a while and we feel like we’re in a perfect relationship. But all women occasionally like to test their significant others. Sometimes just for fun, other times cause we’re feeling a bit insecure that day and need a bit of reassurance. It’s all completely normal as long as you don’t go overboard in your tests and start questioning everything. For those of you who do feel a bit too worried (perhaps it’s that time of the month and you’ve had a bit too much pizza and watched a particularly awful movie that left you feeling insecure) here’s a great way to calm down.
While it’s completely possible to fake feelings when awake, it’s pretty impossible to do it when you’re asleep. You can’t fake a smile or give a compliment when you’re busy snoring. This is were the science of sleeping positions comes in handy. Statistically the closer you sleep in bed the stronger are your feelings and the happier you are in your relationship. BUT don’t rush with conclusions. Just cause you don’t sleep in a full body hug with your partner, it doesn’t mean you’re about to break up. So in order to avoid any rushed conclusions and misunderstandings here’s a rundown of the most common sleeping positions and the meaning behind those.
1. Spooning
How to: One of you is on their side, with the other person snuggled up behind you.
Pros: It shows that the couple is close and happy and wants to show their love to each other and be physically close.
Cons: It might be too hot in the summer and you really don’t want to be hugged and be all sweaty.